Sunday, December 5, 2010

Holiday Party

Went to the first holiday party of the season and happy to say no damage done!! What a major test of will power! So much food everywhere I looked and just when I thought there was room for no more, the hostess announces "dinner is served". Seriously??? More food?? But I stuck to my guns, or should I say the veggie platter. Did a lot of damage to the shrimp and all turned out well. I was feeling so full that I only managed to eat 1 small chocolate chunk cookie, 2 mini meatballs and a spoonful of the most amazing chocolate peanut butter cake. I was so stuffed, they could've rolled me home. But my scale was kind in the morning and nothing lost and nothing gained....wohoo!!!

So next weekend I have 2 parties to go to. The real test begins, so needless to say I need to be on my best behavior this week and try to shed an extra pound or two to make room for the next wave of temptations :-)

Friday, December 3, 2010


I survived Thanksgiving when dealing with the battle of the scale. Took some great advise to heart.... My little birdie told me to work hard before t-day and get 1 or 2 lbs. down past my goal so that I can have wiggle room without the guilt. So I did it and managed to enjoy the holiday without regrets on the scale. I have to say it gave me a real confidence boost that I can survive the entire holiday season. Still had to be somewhat careful at what I ate, but enjoyed little nibbles of most everything. Between now and Christmas there's a party every weekend to go to. The little tricks I've learned so far is to head for the shrimp cocktail and veggie platters (minus the dip) and fill up, the calories are low and the taste is high!! I could eat shrimp all day :-) The best Christmas gift will be the fact that I can still fit in the new clothes I've had to buy even after all the festivities!

I Hope to Inspire Others

Ok, so here it goes. As most of you know I spent the last year trying to lose 8o lbs, and I finally did it!! Some have been pushing me to write about how I did it and how I'm working on keeping it off. It humbles me to constantly hear how I've inspired others, even total strangers! It's a great feeling that I can help others!!

The biggest question I get is "what plan did you use?" Sorry people, all the "plans" out there are not the answer. Bottom line is, stop eating all the crap and exercise everyday at least 30 minutes!! There is no magic pill, it's a mind set you have to make, for me it was taking my addictive personality and re-focusing it on doing good for me, not bad. I cut out all the soda, fast food trips and mindless eating. I faced the fact that my daughter calling me huggable instead of fat was no longer cute, but her polite way of telling me I'm heavy, and I definitely didn't want her to think being "huggable" was okay. It has serious dangers that I was starting to face, like high blood pressure! I was starting to go down the same path other relatives were on, and if I kept going down that road I would soon be diabetic, and who knows what other problems would pop up. Reality set in, I want to get to know my grandchildren that may be in my future but to do that I need to insure I have a future.

What helped spark a flame under my bottom was something a little birdy told me. She said it's a know fact that the first bite of food is the most satisfying, after that it's mindless munching. Thinking about it, I realized how true that is. So I worked hard at learning to take just a small nibble of the tempting danger foods, that way I am satisfied, not deprived, and not devouring the entire cake. A girl can go insane if she can NEVER have chocolate again :-) So now I keep a bag of sinful candy around, usually 3 musketeer mini's (lowest in fat) or mini tootsie rolls to help when cravings hit, which is usually once a month ;) Amazingly, I am now able to make that bag of candy last many months instead of 30 minutes.

So I will end this for now, but I will try to update every now and then to confess my battles, share any secrets I discover along they way, or thoughts for the day. And to all of you who keep saying "I wish I could do it", I now challenge you to say "I CAN do it"!!!! Remember, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift that's why it's called the present! And we all deserve lots of presents :-)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

No more "Chub Rub"!

I discovered two things changed for me that I never gave thought to until now, and it’s a topic most of us don’t talk about. The first is what I refer to as Chub Rub. You know that inner thigh chub that rubs while walking and during the heat of summer results in a chub rub rash. Admit it, many of us get it either there or other places but yes, it happens!! I always just dealt with it as a part of life, buying lotions, creams, and powders to deal with it. NO MORE!! It dawned on me with the first mega hot day that I no longer had that issue!! Also gone was the annoying ride up of the shorts between the legs while walking. That was always an embarrassing one for me, even if people didn’t notice.

The second change… I no longer have to cross my legs when sneezing! Men don’t understand that one, but for us women who have had kids, it’s an issue. I always wondered why my mom did it and now fully understand why. Again, part of life so I should just accept it. Without out realizing it or even trying to solve the problem, I noticed the problem was gone while sneezing my brains out like many others in the spring. I guess I must have been taking care of those kegel exercises while using the elliptical machine. I love the unexpected extras through this journey!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Play on Words and Numbers

July 2009
February 2010 April 2010

Play on Words & Numbers

I always get a kick off of the play on words and numbers, like in September when the date was 09/09/09, call it the accountant in me. It was before the holidays, a new year around the corner, I was bummed with myself, jealous of my neighbor’s weight loss success and so I bought a new scale. Thinking of the dreaded holidays to come and daring to step on the new scale that I wanted to avoid….reality slapped me silly. A bad play on numbers, my weight equaled the upcoming year, only difference was a decimal point L (201.0 vs. 2010).

It convinced me that I need to think of myself for once. I spent so many years focused on family and work that I forgot to take care of me. I knew my personality, I can get easily obsessed with something, or as I call it “anal retentive”, always able to justify anything in my head as the right thing to do. So I applied that in my everyday thinking. Combine that with the fact that my kids desperately wanted to go to Florida again and all I could think of was “all those stairs to climb at Typhoon Lagoon, I can’t do it!” And don’t even mention bathing suits, or should I say moo-moo suits, UGH!!

And so I caved in, I dragged myself to Rachel Ryan’s Fitness, signed up, and now the real battle began. There’s no real secret on how to lose the weight, I knew exactly the things I had to change, EVERYTHING!! No more delicious Dunkin Donuts sausage egg and cheese on a croissant every day, no more coca-colas, no more stops at Burger King, etc, etc. I had to stop eating the convenient foods in my busy days and pack a lunch. If nothing else, it certainly saved a lot of money for me J (again the accountant in me)!!

With the incredible help from Rachel and her wonderful encouraging words (Rachel is the bomb) and those from other members (cause honestly, who needs to be criticized when they’re already down on themselves) I have already passed my half way point!!!! Now I’m actually beyond motivated and looking forward to buying a bathing suit! (and yes, booked another trip to Florida) Like the little train that said I think I can, I’m finally saying “I know I can”! ...and you can too J